In addition to being covered by boiler and gas tank certificates, our locomotives now carry a two year warranty provided that the warranty card included with the locomotive has been completed and returned to us. Maxitrak carry out general service and repairs ‘in house’ and have several recognised repair and service agents. They also carry out such services as fitting radio control and retro-fitting radio control to older locomotives. Several of them have their own unique ranges of after sales accessories specially made for Accucraft models. Contact them direct for details of these items. We also carry a range of spare parts (listed on the stock status page) which are available direct from us or through our dealers.
We have listed below the recognised repair and service agents. We have listed them in alphabetical order and all have equal status as repair agents.
Rod Blakeman, Southampton. Tel: 02380 663373
Dave Mees, AbbeyBach Engineering Services, Llanrwst, North Wales. Tel: 01492 660762
Ben Pavier, Southport, Merseyside. Website:
David Stick, St. Austell, Cornwall. Tel: 01726 816291
For all warranty repairs, please contact your RETAILER in the first instance. Your retailer will contact us and we will then arrange for the item to be collected by our couriers. Please do not contact any of our service agents direct on warranty matters as all have to be processed through our system before being actioned.
Warranty registration cards must be returned to us as soon as possible after purchase, including those for U.S., Schug or Argyle models. Please note that we do not offer a warranty service for Accucraft models purchased outside the UK, only for those bought through our UK dealer network. If, for any reason, you have a locomotive bought this way it would have to be returned to the original dealer for warranty repairs.
To make shipping easier in the event of your locomotive having to be sent for service, please retain ALL original packaging. We do not carry spare boxes in stock to return your model to you. If improperly packed to be sent to us, we cannot be responsible for any damage. We will consider the warranty of any loco returned to us without the original packaging invalid and will charge for any additional packaging required to ensure its safe return. If the model is fitted with radio control it is important that the transmitter is sent with the model.
It is essential that the locomotive’s boiler is drained and the gas tank completely emptied of gas before the locomotive is packed for return. Failure to do so will ensure the liability for any damage sustained by Maxitrak or our repair agents or couriers in consequence rests with the owner.